Tuesday 19 September 2017

Argyle Falls

One of the most beautiful waterfalls in Trinidad and Tobago is Argyle Falls, nestled into the southern portion of the main ridge of Tobago. This waterfall can be located in the city of Roxborough close to the Fire Station. We were a bit lost but the gatekeeper, Mr. Rogers was quite helpful in directing us to the entrance. You need to enter the Fire Sation compound and veer further north to a teal building on a separate compound. There is a small entry fee of TT$50.00 for locals and TT$60 for foreigners. If needed, for an additional cost a tour guide can be hired for a two hour long trip to the waterfall.

The trail to Argyle falls is a fairly easy trek along a grassy and rocky path for approximately 10 minutes. During this walk make sure to listen to the sounds of the forest, the birds, the air as it passes through the bamboo and you may even hear or see other forms of wildlife during this trip.

Upon arrival to the base of the falls we were greeted by the amazing view of this massive waterfall crashing into this majestic pool. For the adventurous ones, there's a trail with a rope to the right hand side that carries you to higher up the waterfall. We did not feel the need to take that trip up and decided too take in the view. on the left hand side, there's a small mound that I capitalized upon to jump into a deep portion of the water.

The water isn't the clearest in the deep however as you reach to the more shallow end and stay still, you will be greeted by several fresh water fishes that may even take a small nibble on your feet.

All in all, its a marvelous waterfall that should be visited if you're ever in Tobago just for the view and the thunderous sound of the crashing water. It is truly one of the many gems in Tobago.

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