Tuesday 31 October 2017

Minus 5 Degrees Bar - Cayman Islands

On one of my cruise travels I found myself in the Cayman Islands wandering around the city with my family. We have a routine about experiencing local bars in within the islands. While walking about, I came across this bar aptly named "Minus 5 Degrees".

This bar is unique as the actual temperature within the bar is below -5 Degrees Centigrade in addition to the furniture and sculptures within this establishment to be made completely out of ice.

To enter the bar, one must don an ice room coat with gloves. You usually pay for entry with a complimentary shot or drink, but there are additional packages and you can get additional drinks when inside. The shot comes in a ice shot glass, it was a shame the drinks didn't come in ice as well but I'm sure the glass may melt before the drink can be consumed.

I know there's a couple of these establishments within the United States as well. How do they match up to the Minus 5 in Cayman Islands.

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