Saturday 11 November 2017

Panama Canal

One of my Trips to Central America is to Panama. The country is rich in its people and is known for their great strengths in Logistics. One such achievement in their supremacy in logistics is the upkeep and operation of the Panama Canal.

One of the most amazing feats in the world is this massive man-made canal that allows ships of a certain size (Panamax) and smaller to traverse from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea and onto the Atlantic without passing south. This marvel was opened to the public in 1914, charging its users a toll to travel through its four (4) locks. In addition to it being a transportation marvel, it has been transformed into a tourist attraction.

I went to the Mira Flores Locks to view the locks in operation as well as having a guided tour of their facility. It was truly an informative tour, I noticed that there are also plans to upgrade the Canal to allow the transportation of much larger vessels through its gates.

What other marvellous places have you been to recently and which places should I go to next?

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