Sunday 26 November 2017

Korean Dining in Trinidad - You and I Restaurant

Wednesday night I had the opportunity to visit a Korean restaurant You and I within the Maraval area. This restaurant brings a new dimension to our local culinary experience. It allows for interactive dining.
There are two specific dishes which allow for this interactive dining; shabu shabu and korean bbq.
Shabu shabu is a dish of thinly sliced meat and vegetables boiled in a special broth. The name is derived from the sound made when the ingredients are stirred in the cooking pot. It's is served with a dipping sauce with chive, garlic and pepper. There's also kimchee and gochugaru provided if you want to add it to your broth or have it by itself. This food is cooked piece by piece by you (the diner) at the table.
Korean BBQ is one in which they bring the seasoned pieces of meat to the table and you can grill them right there to your liking. Now I haven't been able to try this as yet but the next time I visit, I will be having this.
There is also Korean rice wine available but I will say stick to the raspberry one, the soju is a doesn't have much of a taste but is a smoother version of puncheon.
Are there any other restaurants you think can compare with this Korean restaurant


  1. Tried Korean BBQ once, this looks tasty...I have to try this, great post!

    1. It really is, i consider this my second favuorite to sushi

  2. Hmmmm.. this is interesting and the food looks great... do they serve this with seafood as an option?

    1. Yes they do, I had the seafood when I visited but they did not make the photos. However you must order 2 dishes. I'm sure you can have two seafood platters
